Digestive System Neoplasm - Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions

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Digestive System Neoplasm - Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions

Nursing Care Plan for Digestive System Neoplasm

Pre - Operation Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions

1. Pain (acute / chronic) related to the growth of cancer cells.

Goal : Pain is reduced until it disappears.

1. Assess characteristics of pain, location, frequency.
R/ : Knowing the level of pain as the evaluation of interventions.

2. Assess the factors causing pain relief (fear, anger, anxiety).
R/ : By knowing the causes of pain, decisive action to reduce the pain.

3. Teach relaxation techniques take a deep breath.
R/ : Relaxation techniques can override the pain.

4. Collaboration with physicians for providing analgesic.
R/ : Analgesic effective for pain.

2. Anxiety related to planned surgery.

Goal : Anxiety can be minimized after the act of nursing.

Interventions :
1. Describe any actions to be performed on the patient .
R/ : The patient was cooperative in every action and reduce patient anxiety.

2. Allow the patient to express feelings of fear.
R/ : To reduce anxiety.

3. Evaluation of the level of understanding of the patient / significant others, on medical diagnosis.
R/ : Provide the information you need to select the appropriate interventions.

4. Acknowledge the fear / patient issues, and push express feelings.
R/ : Support enables the patient to start opening / accept the disease and treatment.

3. Imbalanced Nutrition : less than body requirements related to nausea, vomiting and no appetite.

Goal : The nutritional requirements can be met.

Expected Outcomes :
Nutrition met.
Nausea was reduced to disappear.

Interventions :
1. Serve food in small portions but often and warm.
R/ : warm food increases the appetite.

2. Assess the patient's eating habits.
R/ : Type of food that will help improve the patient's appetite.

3. Teach relaxation techniques that take a deep breath.
R/ : Helps to relax and reduce nausea.

4. Measure the weight whenever possible.
R/ : To determine the weight loss.

5. Collaboration with physicians for the provision of vitamins.
R/ : To prevent deficiency due to reduced absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

4. Activity intolerance related to physical weakness .

Goal : Activity intolerance resolved.

Expected Outcomes :
Showed an increase in activity tolerance characterized by : do not complain of weakness, can move gradually.

Interventions :
1. Provide adequate rest periods.
R/ : Rest will provide enough energy and helps in the healing process.

2. Review of complaints during the move.
R/ : Identify abnormal activity.

3. Assess the ability to move.
R/ : Specifies the activities that can be done.

4. Help meet the needs.
R/ fulfillment needs.

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