7 Signs and Symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

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7 Signs and Symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Symptoms and signs are often found in nasopharyngeal cancer are:
  1. Epistaxis: approximately 70% of patients experience these symptoms, including 23.2% of patients treated with these early symptoms. When sucking strongly secretions from the nasal cavity or nasopharynx, soft palate dorsal part rubbing against the surface of the tumor, so that the blood vessels in the tumor surface was torn and cause epistaxis. Arise mild epistaxis, severe nasal massive hemorrhage can occur.
  2. Nasal congestion: often just next door and progressively intensified. This is due to a tumor of the posterior nostril clog.
  3. Tinnitus and decreased hearing: the cause is a tumor in faringeus recess and the lateral wall of the nasopharynx infiltrate, pressing the eustachian tubes, causing negative pressures in the tympanic cavity, until there transudative otitis media. For patients with mild symptoms, actions dilatation eustachian tubes can relieve temporarily. The decline in hearing ability due to conduction barriers, generally accompanied by fullness in the ear.
  4. Cephalalgia: uniqueness is a continuous pain in the temporoparietal region, or occipital one side. This is often due to the insistence of the tumor, infiltration of cranial nerves or cranial base bone, may also be due to local infection or irritation of the blood vessels which causes cephalalgia reflective.
  5. Involuntary cranial nerve: nasopharyngeal cancer, and expansion infiltrate directly into the superior, destruction can cross the cranial base, or through channels or natural gaps cranial, go to petrosphenoid, of the fossa intracranial media (including foramen sphenotic, petrosis apex of the temporal bone, the foramen ovale, and the area spongiosus sine) makes the cranial nerves III, IV, V and VI involuntary, manifested by ptosis of the upper face, paralysis of the eye muscles (including the abduction of its own nerve paralysis), trigeminal neuralgia or temporal area pain due to irritation of the meninges (sphenoidal fissure syndrome), if there also involuntary second cranial nerve, called the orbital apex syndrome or petrosphenoid.
  6. Enlarged lymph nodes of the neck: Typical location of lymph nodes metastases is the upper deep coli group, but because the lymph node groups covered surface sternocleidomastoid muscle, and the lump is not painful, it was initially difficult to know. There are some patients with metastatic lymph nodes perama appeared in the region of spiral strands coli accessory in the posterior triangl.
  7. Symptoms of distant metastasis: the most frequent location of metastases to the bones, lungs, liver. The most common metastasis to the pelvic bones, vertebrae, ribs and all four extremities. Manifestation of bone metastases is a continuous pain and local tenderness, a fixed location and not arbitrary and gradually intensified. At this phase is not always there is a change in the X-ray, bone scan the entire body can help with the diagnosis. Liver metastases, lung can be very hidden, sometimes discovered when a routine follow-up is done by Xray thorax, liver examinations with CT or ultrasound.

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