Acute Pain and Fatigue - NCP for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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Acute Pain and Fatigue - NCP for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Nursing Care Plan for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) is an autoimmune condition that affects multiple organ systems. Its pathology is related to the release of antibodies that bind to normal nuclear components. Lupus can attack any organ and system in the body. For unknown reasons, in systemic lupus erythematosus, the body forms auto-antibodies against these normal molecules.

The signs and symptoms of lupus may occur rapidly or develop slowly. They may be either mild or severe and may be either temporary or permanent. Most people with lupus will experience episodes or "flares". This is simply where the signs and symptoms get worse or they can improve or even disappear completely for a period of time.

Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions 

1. Acute Pain related to inflammation and tissue damage.

Goal: improvement in comfort level

  1. Carry out a number of actions that provide comfort (heat / cold; massage, position changes, break; foam mattresses, pillows buffer, splints; relaxation techniques, activity that distracts)
  2. Provide anti-inflammatory preparations, analgesics as recommended.
  3. Adjust treatment schedule to meet the needs of patients to pain management.
  4. Encourage the patient to express his feelings about the nature of chronic pain and illness.
  5. Describe the pathophysiology of pain and helping patients to realize that pain is often brought him to the method of unproven therapies.
  6. Assist in identifying a person's life that brings pain to the patient cases using unproven therapies.
  7. Perform an assessment of the subjective changes in pain.

2. Fatigue related to an increase in disease activity, pain, depression.

Goal: include action as part of the activities of daily living necessary for change.

1. Give an explanation of fatigue:
  • The relationship between disease activity and fatigue.
  • Explain the actions to provide comfort while executing.
  • Develop and maintain a sleep routine actions fatherly (warm water bath and relaxation techniques that facilitate sleep).
  • Explaining the importance of rest to reduce systemic stress, articular and emotional.
  • Explains how to use traditional techniques to save energy.
  • Identify the factors that lead to physical and emotional exhaustion.
2. Facilitating the development schedule of the activity / rest right.
3. Encourage patients' adherence to treatment programs.
4. Refer and thrust conditioning program.
5. Encourage adequate nutrition including iron from food sources and supplements.

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